Do hair grow faster if you stop straightening it and wash it less?

2019-05-18 3:38 pm

回答 (14)

2019-05-19 2:23 am
It won't necessarily grow faster but you will retain length much better and your hair will be healthier so it will grow faster than it did when you were always washing and straightening it.
2019-05-19 2:13 am
It won’t grow faster, that’s due to genetics, but it will appear more healthy and you won’t have to trim as often. If you want to grow your hair out, the less you mess with it (via heat, weakening or frying the hair or stripping natural oils in a daily shower to comb over and over again with a brush that’s bound to break strands) the less split ends you will get.
2019-05-20 6:09 pm
the hair you can see is ALREADY dead, the hair you CAN'T see, in the hair folicales, is where the growth takes place.
2019-05-20 11:23 am
Stop with all the chemicals already. This is 2019...haven't you learned anything ?? Eat naturally, lay off poisons and chemicals and treat your body with respect. Pretty girls are much more attractive when they are healthy and natural and their inner beauty shines through. Seriously...don't you understand that ?
2019-05-18 4:40 pm
No. If you stop straightening it and wash it less,your hair will not grow faster..
2019-05-18 4:15 pm
It won’t grow faster, that’s due to genetics, but it will appear more healthy and you won’t have to trim as often. If you want to grow your hair out, the less you mess with it (via heat, weakening or frying the hair or stripping natural oils in a daily shower to comb over and over again with a brush that’s bound to break strands) the less split ends you will get. Best thing to do is leave it alone or wear it in a perceptive style.
2019-05-18 4:12 pm
Hair of any given type grows at a fixed speed.

How long it gets depends how thick each strand is to start with and how fast it's worn away. Each strand starts to wear as soon as it gets beyond the skin and the older it is (so further from the skin) the more wear it has experienced.

Each strand tapers, in other words, until it gets too thin or brittle and the end disintegrates.
(That is the source of the myth that cutting hair makes it stronger or thicker - if you cut part way along a tapered thing, the cut end is automatically thicker and stiffer than the original end was...)

The more you mess with it and remove natural oils, the quicker it wears and the more brittle it becomes.

That is why some people claim that some type of oil "makes hair grow better" - it actually reduces wear so the hair survives to a longer length.

The only other thing that influences it is general health - having a good, balanced diet with no fads or exclusions. Many people do not get all the nutrients they need, due to force of habit or circumstances.
A general multivitamin may help then. If your diet is lacking anything and you add a multivitamin, after a month to six weeks or so you will notice your fingernails get a slight ridge growing out - they are starting to grow at proper thickness rather than the cells being starved.

The same thing will be happening with every hair strand, but it will take many months or even years for the new stronger and thicker growth to reach full length (unless you have a crew cut :)

If you ever revert to a poor diet even for a few days, your hair and nails will go back to their thinner growth and a "weak point" will grow out after a while.
2019-05-18 3:47 pm
Hair is only going to grow a half inch a month if everything is normal. It's not what you do to your hair it's what you do to the scalp so whatever cannot penetrate the scalp which is nothing but finasteride as it's related to hair growth cannot make your hair grow any faster and finasteride only open up the follicles to allow hair growth in cases of hair loss not make it grow any faster.
2019-05-18 3:42 pm
No. Your general health determines your rate of hair growth.
2019-05-21 11:25 am
Never washing your hair is a terrible idea, but maybe you can benefit from a less-frequent shampoo regimen.

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