Why do men with long hair always have their hair tied back into a ponytail?

2019-05-18 4:03 am
As a 24 year old guy with long hair, I never really wear mine in a ponytail, I just don't like it as well and it feels restrictive. I don't think its bad but I just like to wear mine the natural way. Almost every guy I see with long hair always has it tied back into a ponytail and they never wear it down very much. I have nothing against long hair since I have it but I always thought it was kinda silly to grow your hair out and then just tie it back all the time, that kinda defeats the purpose of what having long hair is. Its an interesting question actually.

Women wear their long hair down but yet men don't seem to as much. Its like these men want their hair long but at the same time don't want to fool with it.

回答 (8)

2019-05-18 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are lots of factors at work.

It gets in their way as they go about their lives.

It's more professional in appearance than down. Long loose hair on a man is entirely looked down on or outright forbidden in some white collar jobs.

Hair that needs a wash can look perfectly acceptable pulled back in a ponytail. (The ladies have known this trick all their lives.)

He has a small face or weak chin and looks better with the sides of his face exposed.

He's lazy or super busy. Long hair worn in a ponytail every day doesn't need trims or frequent washing like hair worn loose.
2019-05-18 5:14 am
manbuns pony tails earrings,,,meh
2019-05-21 11:42 am
On the other hand if you are kind of a fun loving person, having a soft nature and usually av. ..Why do most men prefer long hair over short hair on women?
2019-05-20 2:51 am
perhaps it is easier to manage
2019-05-18 11:08 pm
Maybe because of the weather specially when its humid.
2019-05-18 4:47 am
cause it probably gets in their way, rnaybe they should cut it if they feel that way
2019-05-18 4:14 am
My boyfriend does this. He says it's because otherwise it gets in the way, especially when he's working, although he likes to wear it down when it's freshly washed. Hope this helps.
2019-05-18 4:05 am
not all

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