Blonding Hair Pills?

2019-05-18 2:19 am
If anyone knows if there is a product that makes your hair color change dramatically.. no dying or bleaching.. A pill that is design to make your hair lighter just by drinking a pill

回答 (7)

2019-05-18 2:34 am
This isn't Hogwarts, you idiot. No such thing.
2019-05-21 11:43 am
It usually involves quite a lot of bleaching and pre-lightening. For that reason, I decided to research some alternative methods of lightening hair.
2019-05-18 7:29 am
There isn't a pill, there's other ways to slightly lighten your hair such as putting lemon juice in your hair and sitting in the sun. If you want your hair drastically lighter, bleach is the only way I know of that lightens your hair.
2019-05-18 5:35 am
Sorry, no. But if someone invents one they will make a zillion dollars.
2019-05-18 2:32 am
What you're asking for is a physical impossibility.
2019-05-18 2:28 am
no such thing
2019-05-18 2:21 am
nope, there isn't ..........................
2019-05-20 11:01 pm
nah you dumb thot

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