How to get a proper diagnosis?

2019-05-18 12:59 am
Ever since I was little I theorized, along with my family, that I have aspergers. Ive taken several tests in which Ive placed high on the autism spectrum. But every doctor or psychologist I go to simply wont diagnose me. They dont give me surveys/tests, ask about my symptoms or anything. They simply meet with me, chat for a moment, and conclude based off my social capabilties that I dont have it. The thing is, ive always been socially akward, Ive just learned how to cope with it. How do I find a doctor willing to hear me out instead of just deeming me "normal" just because I dont act a fool? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

回答 (10)

2019-05-18 12:36 pm
I’ve been trying to do the same thing, I know I have scored high on Aspergers online tests And I feel like I definitely have quite a few of the traits.I had to contact an autism society in my state and find out who to go to to get tested for it. I haven’t done it yet Because they said the person who would test me has to get certified first, which should be happening soon. As soon as that happens I think I’m going to do it go. See if there’s an autism society in your state and contact them and ask if they can help you out with this. A lot of regular doctors or therapists are not really going to know what to tell you. And probably don’t care anyway. I mean, I had a therapist who first said he didn’t think I had it, and then later on in the therapy he said he thought I did have it. So these people really are confused. And ignorant sometimes. So you have to contact an autism or Aspergers organization
2019-05-18 1:04 am
Why do you need this validation? What would it change?
2019-05-20 12:12 am
First of all how old are you now? Over or under 18? If you are under 18 there are more options. I recently took my 10 yr old to an expert in the field. She is borderline asperger, but believed to not have aspergers due to the social aspects...same as you, those social aspects are something we have worked on for many years. After the initial evaluation, they are running one more communication test to eliminate aspergers completely. She was however diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder, OCD and being gifted. All of these things independently we were told also mimic symptoms of aspergers. If you are a late teen or adult I would start with being assessed for an anxiety disorder and also have your IQ tested. If you have no anxiety disorder consider finding an autism specialist in your area. There are support groups for adults with aspergers as well. A group like this would provide you with resources.
2019-05-18 1:28 am
It's okay to be socially awkward. You don't need a label as an excuse.
2019-05-20 5:55 am
If you really want to know, find and make an appointment with a therapist who specializes in autism/Asperger's. If they're any good, you'll be given a test. My two sons were diagnosed when they were young and are now 26 and 24. I don't think labeling yourself as having Asperger's really means anything. My kids don't consider themselves as "autistic." It's just something they have that nobody who doesn't know them could spot.
2019-05-19 10:08 pm
There are varying degrees. Maybe you just have a light case, so they don't see the need
to diagnose you. You've got to explain to them how debilitating it has been for you.
Don't be embarrassed to explain it. Explain that you don't really socialize and have friends.
At least they could diagnose you with social anxiety, if nothing else. But if you do such
a good job at "blending" in socially, then they won't be able to tell. If you are able to
form meaningful social connections, then you don't have it. You just may have a
very introverted personality.
2019-05-18 9:52 pm
Plan for Your Appointment With Specialists
2019-05-18 8:02 am
Anyone as self absorbed hardly needs a diagnosis - just give them a mirror.
2019-05-18 2:22 am
All the doctors that examined you would know whether or not you actually have Asperger's. Listen the to the doctors, not random strangers on the internet.
2019-05-18 2:30 am
You are placing to high on the tests, for a diagnosis of Asperger's BE GERATEFUL

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