Why do girls wear band shirts if they don’t listen to the band?

2019-05-18 12:52 am
I just find it kinda weird.

回答 (7)

2019-05-18 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Girls are judged on their appearance, much more than boys. So when a girl gets dressed she has to consider her presentation. Her presentation will make a statement about how she views herself, and how she wants others to view her.

If a girl wears a band shirt she may do it because:
1. She likes the band.
2. It fits her well.
3. It's coordinated with the rest of her outfit.
4. It's fashionable.
5. It has some sentimental value - perhaps someone complimented her about it.

In any case, her presentation is important to her, so say something nice.
2019-05-20 11:45 am
One girl who seems generally awesome person to me (but listens to shitty music) wore Metallica t shirt.
2019-05-18 2:03 am
Because they like how it fits, and has the added benefit... It looks cool.
2019-05-18 1:15 am
Girls are weird man
2019-05-18 12:57 am
they're been screwed by some unknown band member
2019-05-18 12:54 am
They just like the shirt. Nothing weird about it.
2019-05-18 12:54 am
Fashion trends. They are fashion zombies.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 01:13:55
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