Why is wearing full leather in public seen bad?

2019-05-17 11:12 pm
Why does people assume wearing full leather(pants, shirt, boots, jacket, cap) in public means you are homosexual? Where did that originate from?

回答 (7)

2019-05-17 11:15 pm
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Years ago, there was something of a fad among some (not all) gay men for wearing full leather. That's where the association came from.

It's not seen as "bad," because unless you're a religious fanatic or homophobe, homosexuality isn't seen as "bad". It's just rather silly. That fad hasn't existed for years now.
2019-05-20 11:37 am
Why Wearing Racing Leathers on Public Roads May Be a Bad Idea There is probably no safer riding attire than a one-piece leather racing suit.
2019-05-18 6:44 pm
Most gay men I have encountered wear bright colors, short shorts and pink polo shirts. If I saw someone wearing full leather I would assume they were a biker
2019-05-18 4:40 pm
Probably Hollywood
2019-05-18 2:16 am
I wouldn't assume that, they might just like leather and can afford it, so why not wear it. I love leather, and wear it often - (although I'd never wear five pieces at one time, sometime less is more).
2019-05-17 11:19 pm
its obvious if you dress like a gimp what people will think ..
2019-05-17 11:13 pm
Why do you first say it is 'seen bad' and then say it 'means you are homosexual'? What you are trying to say?

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