I’m trying to improve my brows I like them like top picture how get them like that ?

2019-05-17 9:52 pm

回答 (8)

2019-05-17 10:02 pm
That honestly looks like a clown's eyebrows
2019-05-17 11:26 pm
Shave them off. Then Draw them back, or have them tattooed.
2019-05-21 11:45 am
The brows you are like produced by major hair plucking and cutting, microblading (tiny tattoos), and a stencil.
2019-05-20 2:21 am
2019-05-18 10:48 pm
You should get microblading
It’s gaining a lot of popularity
It gives great results for more fullness
2019-05-18 3:46 am
The brows you are like produced by major hair plucking and cutting, microblading (tiny tattoos), and a stencil where power and or gel has been applied to the skin. So, find a salon that specializes in eyebrows and have your eye brows shaped (tweezed, waxed, cut, dyed, etc.). Then purchase an eyebrow stenciling kit and practice, practice, practice.
2019-05-17 11:03 pm
Buy a brow kit, with the stencil for that look. Then just color in your brows inside the stencil. (IMO, not a great look).
2019-05-17 9:54 pm
You could look into microblading.

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