How do I become naturally beautiful?

2019-05-17 9:43 pm
I can look really pretty if I try. When I take care of my skin for a while, do my hair nice and wear some flattering clothes, I look very beautiful and some makeup definitely helps. But naturally I'm average looking at best. I want to be like the girls who are homeless and dishevelled, wear no make-up and do not clean themselves for days, wear dirty rags and have hair that hasn't been combed for as long as they remember and filled with lice but they still look utterly gorgeous and enchanting. Is there a way I become a natural beauty like them?

回答 (19)

2019-05-19 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Which homeless women are you referring to? Seems to me the vast majority of people that are homeless are men. Homelessness for women is deemed unacceptable and abhorrent in a society like ours, but men are expected to deal that type of hardship and not complain about it
2019-05-17 10:46 pm
Born that way
2019-05-19 2:59 am
2019-05-21 2:32 am
Drink water, exercise, and get plenty of sleep
2019-05-19 11:19 pm
If you aren’t pretty there’s no way you can make yourself that way. You can get plastic surgery but there’s risks that it’ll make you look even worse. Just learn to accept it. Unfortunately not everyone is beautiful but I’m sure you have other assets that can make up for that if you find out what those assets are and flaunt and embrace them.
2019-05-19 4:30 pm
You can be naturally pretty by making small changes in your beauty and dietary routines.
2019-05-19 1:37 am
No one looks good without taking care of themselves
2019-05-18 9:57 pm
just stay as you are
2019-05-18 9:49 am
Be beautiful on the inside and out.
2019-05-18 7:42 am
Just be beautiful from the inside, let your spirit shine, then it will shine outwards. Focus on being nice and loving to others. Don't try to be or act beautiful just be yourself and not worry to much about it. People living on the streets don't are about their looks only about surviving.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:04:11
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