What do I do about these hormonal issues?

2019-05-17 5:55 pm
I'm 17 and not long before I start my period I get this strong urge to have sex. So this only happens for a short time but the urges are REALLY strong especially at night. I'm a virgin so Im guessing it's because of hormones because I don't actually know how it feels. I don't have a boyfriend and my male friend who's my age is not available. So do I just wait for the phase to pass, and would somehow being able to dream about it help? And please don't suggest porn, I know I find it disgusting because when my phone had a virus I got this gross porn add that I've tried to forget.

回答 (5)

2019-05-17 7:28 pm
masturbate . It's normal to feel like sex before a period.
2019-05-18 10:23 pm
Some people experience continual, irregular hormonal imbalances. Many hormonal imbalances are caused by external factors, such as stress or hormone medications.
2019-05-18 4:18 am
its quite nornal to have these urges , you need to masturbate
2019-05-18 12:54 am
Those strong urges are probably due to ovulation, which is your body’s primal way of telling you “have sex so that you can conceive!”

Nothing wrong with masturbation
2019-05-17 7:20 pm
you don't need to watch porn in order to have sex or masturbate

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