Can I get a job with long hair as male?

2019-05-17 10:40 am
I got rejected from Job because of my long hair but I don’t care if I have long hair if women who have job have short hair can have jobs than I can have job too.

回答 (19)

2019-05-18 7:43 am
Kind of a catch 22 that you've discovered there... How ever, I'm sure it's not just your long hair that's held you back.
I'm a woman that has managed to get jobs with both long and short hair. I'm 42 years old with mid length hair and I've held a full time job at a ware house for 4 years. I've changed my hair numerous time since being employed.
Long haired men were usually seen as hippies which wasn't a good thing back then.That shouldn't be the case any more. Employers should be able to look past that, and see the skills and experience you have that it takes to do the job. Some employers don't care what length your hair is, as long as you can keep it nicely groomed, and do your job.
Tie it back when you have an interview. Also working on your interviewing skills would help. Practice some common interview answers, with some one that can give you honest feed back.
2019-05-17 12:49 pm
You can keep your long hair just make sure its neatly tied back in a ponytail or bun on interviews.
2019-05-18 12:59 pm
Life is about choices, and how well you do is related to those choices. You may choose to have long hair, but you will limit your chances of employment by doing so. Cut and style your hair as dictated by the society you are within and your employment opportunities will increase. Use logic and you will do better in the world you live in.
2019-05-17 8:10 pm
sure you can.
2019-05-17 10:42 am
Fine, keep your long hair and continue to be unemployed.
2019-05-21 11:26 am
I was pretty sure I couldn't get hired for a job with the flowing locks.
2019-05-20 9:26 pm
You are right I know a guy that used to work at my daycare job and he literally had dreadlocks he physically had dreadlocks and it kind of made him look like his all of Tom's skin was because he was half black and half white or maybe Italian or something like that that's kinda what that made him look like and it worked for him it actually looked really good on him but having dreadlocks is not necessarily as kemped as if he didn't. but nobody told him he couldn't and he did and then after a couple years he switch departments at the daycare and he decided to get a real actual hairdo like he got it shorter in the back and longer up on top so it was a little bit shaggier and he looked like a white guy he looks good with either hairstyle . So I mean if you just find the right job that doesn't care if you're working in food like luxate kitchen or serving food two tables you're probably gonna watch a hairnet or put your hair in a bun but most jobs they wouldn't care.
2019-05-19 4:46 pm
Do you think that a man has a better chance of getting a job with short hair? Is it possible for him to look polished with long hair?
2019-05-17 10:19 pm
Unless the long hair creates a health or safety item, you cannot legally be denied employment. Now for the hard part. An employer can overlook you based on the hair but justify their actions citing experience or interview evaluation.
If you want to keep the long hair, follow the guidelines mentioned that you tie it up, back or keep it contained in the best manner. Also work on your interview skills and present yourself and your skills that make a perspective employer remember your for personality, skills and desire more so than your hair.
2019-05-17 7:31 pm
Do you tie your hair back during the interview?

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