How much money do you spend on makeup ?monthly?

2019-05-17 9:06 am
I spend about 100$monthly which i dnt see as bad. Compared to other people who i see spend like 300$ . And i buy high end makeup and make sure i take care of it and make it worth. How much do you spend montly?

回答 (29)

2019-05-17 9:27 am
none, ive never used rnakeup
2019-05-20 9:00 pm
About $20-40 I have a good collection so I just replenish what needs to be replaced unless I am trying something new, then I’ll splurge and treat myself to some new products.
2019-05-17 9:11 am
I'm very basic, I only wear eye makeup and it's all purchased at wal mart, Revlon and Loreal. So, like maybe 5 bucks a month.
If I was into it majorly, like you probably are though I could see spending $100, that sounds decent.
2019-05-26 10:32 pm
Not very much, only buy what need to replace.
2019-05-24 1:27 pm
Not very much $5 a month.
2019-05-23 1:21 pm
About $24 a year which is an average $2 a month. But I'm a guy
2019-05-22 12:41 am
I only buy new makeup every 3-5 years, I would probably say
Unless it’s mascara or something that needs to be replaced more often.
2019-05-21 8:19 pm
Not a lot about a month ago I bought everything I needed to do really colorful looks and everyday looks it was all pretty cheap. Around 70$ or so and i had 100$ in spending money and it was cheap compared to one palette alone that's high end most of them cost around 48.00 per palette and sometimes more. Sometimes drug store is better.
2019-05-21 6:24 am
$50 a month
2019-05-19 4:31 pm
I probably spend about $100 a month on my appearance.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:56:56
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