How to lose weight?

2019-05-16 10:19 pm
What should be the menu as an Indian. I am 5'2 and weigh 52 kgs. I want to lose weight. I have fat around my arms and thighs mainly..what are some exercises I should be doing? Thankyou

回答 (23)

2019-05-19 5:31 am
try a modified K-pop diet.
2019-05-17 12:32 am
Healthy eating habits and workouts
2019-05-16 10:37 pm
NOT how , but rather WHY do it- should be the question- to begin with...
by the above data - it sounds to me you're already slightly underweight... so further losing weight sounds to me potentially dangerous... WATCH OUT!
additional questions are to be asked in real life, in your area.
and - probably - until/ unless proven otherwise - the single most important question is what exactly is going on with you and whether is/ are there soul issues or so....
2019-05-16 10:24 pm
why do you want to lose weight
2019-05-18 10:24 am
Do bodybuilder type training, increases metabolism and helps shred fat and add muscle,
Dont eat:
processed Sugar
white carb
Do eat:
Vegetables, Fruit, Legumes, Whole grains,
2019-05-18 3:48 am
eat more fruits and vegetables...less fast food and exercise daily
2019-05-18 9:37 am
Stop eating so many calories per day...EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT...just STOP when you reach your limit. 1200-1500 calories a day...and YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO EXERCISE!
2019-05-17 3:01 am
Diet and exercise
2019-05-16 11:26 pm
The first thing I'm going to tell you is, don't go on a diet. Why? Because most diets are not based on sound nutritional principles. Learn more from these principles, nutrition tips, and workouts

Losing weight comes down to one very basic idea: Take in fewer calories than your body uses
參考: RECOMMENDED: 1 Cup tomorrow morning, burns 3 lbs of belly fat -
2019-05-17 2:59 am
Eat less carbohydrate. Carbohydrates, such as starchy food like potato, bread, rice, and sweets, are broken down into simple sugar and provide a ready source of energy, but if you eat more than you use, then it gets stored as FAT. Eat more meats and vegetables, so that your body will not have an excess of readily available sugars. Then the fat will start to come off.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 01:33:32
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