What to talk about on first date?

2019-05-16 8:18 pm
I’m always really scared of awkward silences or sounding boring on a first date. Thing is I’ve met the guy in person once and since then we’ve been messaging for the past week or so. So I already know a lot about him so I won’t have those same first date questions to ask. We’re almost messaging so comfortablely as if we’re already dating which should make me less nervous but I’m more nervous because I want the date to be special. Any hints for how to avoid awkward silences? And things I can talk about?

回答 (3)

2019-05-16 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yahoo Answers has 1000's and 1000's of question you could ask each other.

"NERVOUSNESS”/“SHY” is in your favor
when you tell the other person you are Nervous.

After you make contact, TALK to him Face to Face. NOT Social Media!!!
Just say: "I'm kinda NERVOUS talking to you, so if I mess up, PLEASE, don't think I'm an idiot… okay? I'm just nervous."

HE knows what it's like to be NERVOUS,
He will be UNDERSTANDING & NICE to you.
YOU BOTH can relate too and share stories.
Chances are, you will find out, HE IS NERVOUS TOO.

1st Dates are always a LIE. Both People are on their BEST BEHAVIOR to impress each other and hopefully get a 2nd Date.
They FAKE each other out (LIE).

Right around the 4th or 5th date, both the guy and girl get comfortable being with each other and start to behave like they REALLY ARE.
That's when the Doubts and Questions show up.

You might begin to WONDER why you had a 2nd DATE.

It takes about 3 months to BEGIN to know
the person you are DATING.   
It takes about 6 months to FIND OUT IF you are really Compatible. 
For some couples, maybe a little more.  
2019-05-16 9:55 pm
I arrange fun dates with a of activity to avoid awkward silence
2019-05-16 8:33 pm
On a first date it is the EASIEST to find something to talk about. I mean really, you have SO much ground to cover. The difficult part is to get to ACTUALLY talking WITH each other and getting to REAL conversation rather then just "NICE" stuff that means nothing. HA ! Messaging is phony baloney, a substitute for a real conversation because messaging you chat to each other rather then WITH each other. You can not see the person's face to get a read of what they are thinking or how they may accept your thoughts.
Messaging is as lame as it gets. How can anyone learn to like you if you are not available to have a face to face conversation ? You are WASTING your time until a REAL conversation. Virtual friends are NOTHING !
What to talk about on a first date ? Myself I have 3 or 4 standard questions I ask a new girl. I ask VERY open questions to see what direction the girl's thoughts take. The WAY she answers tells me many things. Such as for instance I ask " What do you do ?" From this if she answers about her job ... she's most likely TOAST. If she speaks of her hobbies and interests, I know she is an interesting person who has passion. Someone who has interests and things she enjoys so does not need to be driving me because she has nothing better to do.

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