ladies what are the summer fashion?

2019-05-16 5:18 am

回答 (5)

2019-05-27 11:09 pm
Comfortable clothes
2019-05-16 9:31 pm
Shorts and tank tops, maxi dress or bohemian dress
2019-05-16 7:14 pm
Short shorts and tank tops
2019-05-16 10:20 am
Short, light-weight clothing, sandals, and pastel colors.
2019-05-16 12:05 pm
I think that rompers are making a comeback. I just got a black and white one and I love it- very simple and comfortable yet also elegant enough to wear to fancier events. I'm also a big fan of simple sun dresses. Light-weight clothes are important for summer. I love the shorts that are made of thin cloth and are kinda loose with a bow in the front. It's up to you for what you wear, but light-weight, light-colored, simple, "happy" clothes are in for summer time. (Of course, most importantly, comfortable clothes lol)

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