請問想表達 :事情只要相信並努力堅持下去~就算時間遲點~依然將會成功將會開花的~ 這邊的"將會開花"是要用Bloom還是blossom? 該怎用? will in bloom?? to come into blossom?

2019-05-14 5:02 pm

回答 (4)

2019-05-15 1:01 pm
1. fruition
2. bloom
3. blossom
都是假藉用植物(的行為,或是組織)來描述 人類的期望.但是他們之間 卻有微妙的差別:

1. fruition (noun only)
通常 只是描述 一個被期待的(好)結果/成功.

His efforts bring about exciting fruition. = 他的努力帶來了 令人興奮的成就.

2 與 3 就比較類似 因為他們都可以 當動詞 也可以 當名詞.但是 他們的差別在於:

bloom比較強調 "開花的植物本身" 而blossom比較專注在"開花的花本身".

His company blooms into (比blossom適用) a billion dollar company.
Their products blossomed. (比bloom適用)

所以: The happiness blooms her cheeks. 就不能用 blossoms.

還有 2.3都有"前景美好"的意思,是1所沒有的.


= Faith and persistence make effort bloom, sooner or later.
2019-05-14 6:02 pm
bloom:-The old man's study had not bloomed when young.
He'll still be successful in full bloom with 35 aged.
The bloom in her cheeks shows the exotic blooms of the orchid when her admiriers bring.
Most Buzmen will begin to bloom(=will in bloom) from late 35 aged.

bloosom:-n;eg:-The trees are in blossom,just like cherry blossoms.
-------------v.eg:-His Buz has visibly blossomed over the last 35 years.
-------------v.eg:-Their friendship come into blossom and blossomed into love.
2019-05-16 4:17 am
事情祇要相信,並堅持下去;就算時間稍為遲一點,必然會有結果的==For all of the matter won't be too late, if one insisted to do that and sooner or later that'll come to fruition. Yip
2019-05-15 3:09 am
~依然將會成功 將會開花的
用英文成語表達較理想! English idiom ~ bring something to fruition

The matter will still (eventually) be brought to fruition by our faith and perseverance, even a bit late.

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