我同老公有一個聯名物業, 想立平安紙指定將來我們兩人死後把這個物業留給我們兒子, 可以怎做?

2019-05-14 11:42 am

回答 (3)

2019-05-14 2:09 pm
This law-deed is an official paper that is a record of an agreement concerning our son shall own the property when my husband and I (=his wife) have died as designated in the official document"Ping An Paper" attached.
2019-06-13 8:47 pm
我可以教你怎麼做..有興趣再來找我 賴wto730717
2019-05-21 10:32 am
你所謂的平安紙,是否指遺囑書呢? 為了解法律對遺囑書的規定,最好仍然是請教律師或其代理人為要. Yip

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