Why do people expect you to remove scrap metal for them for free when you hardly even cut even?

2019-05-14 6:54 am
For example most people will not pay not even $1 towards having scrap removed and it costs like $5-$45 in gas depending on where you go and you’ll be lucky if you get $10 for each object.

Here are a few examples. They expect you to remove a washer for no charge when you’ll only get $8 for it and it costs that in gas to pickup. Why are people like this

回答 (5)

2019-05-14 11:08 am
Why would anyone in their right mind accept a job that costs $5-$45 to get there when they won't pay you a single $1 for doing the job? Have you got a problem with "No"?
2019-05-16 1:49 am
They simply aren't aware of what you will get. Perhaps they think you will get more money from it.

You just need to say no...that's all.
2019-05-14 2:01 pm
Let them know your fee before you go to get the scrap metal.
2019-05-14 7:06 am
Because Lowes and Home Depot charge very little and used to charge nothing.
2019-05-14 7:06 am
Then don't remove it. Tell them you charge a flat fee based on the item.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:13
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