He wants to meet up but we still haven’t met up?

2019-05-14 5:06 am
I met this guy through a mutual friend at a party we hit it off immediately, he’s known of me from seeing me around uni for the past 6 months but I hadnt seen him till then. We’ve been messaging ever since and he said he’d love to meet up and I was super keen too. But since mentioning it he hasn’t mentioned it again and I’m scared to look needy asking again? What should I message to get back on to the subject? He seems to really like me and I like him so I’m eager to meet rather than just messaging forever

回答 (2)

2019-05-14 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
"So, when are we going to meet up?" Doesn't look needy, its fine.
2019-05-14 5:15 am
You don't get what you dont ask for.

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