Spilt my drink on keyboard?

2019-05-12 10:11 am
I spilt Irish cream & kahlua (w/ ice) on my keyboard. Right now the T and Y are flashing (lit keyboard). Should I keep my computer off & turned over w/ dry cloth for longer or does it need to be taken in? How much would it be? Would I lose my data?

回答 (3)

2019-05-12 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm assuming a laptop(?).

Yes, keep it turned off (the T and Y keys are shorting...that's why it's doing that)

Turned over with a dry cloth is really not getting that drink out of the laptop. Need to take it to a repair shop for a teardown and cleanup

No clue on how much it would be. Maybe around $100??

No, you won't lose your data. It's safe.
2019-05-12 12:30 pm
Desktop? Buy a new keyboard. Your data should be safe.

Laptop? Stop using your computer and bring it in for servicing at once.
2019-05-12 10:15 am
You won't lose any data, it's just your keyboard.

Kahlua will get sticky as it dries and gum up the workings of your keyboard. And keyboards are very hard to clean down inside. I would recommend two things.

First, try running it through the dishwasher. Top shelf. I have done this with many keyboards and none of them melted or anything. I would say there's about a 90% chance it will clean it out and the keyboard will be fine.

Second, if that doesn't work, GO OUT AND BUY A NEW KEYBOARD! They're cheap! You might even find an acceptable one at the thrift store.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:59
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