Why do I love vore so much?

2019-05-12 8:33 am
Does that make me broken or something? Having a fantasy/kink/fetish where I get off to the idea of being digested alive, slowly, and painfully... preferably with a giant human woman, or regular human woman and I'm shrunk. But snake, or snake-women also are a turn on for me... how snakes digest... really get me going but snakes lack the psychological tormenting I want a woman to have as she eats me and as I'm digesting. Which is why snake women are particularly intriguing to me. Obviously this fantasy is just a fantasy and can never be acted out... though I fear if I found out a way to act it out I'd jump on it at the very first chance. The idea of the slow painful death... I just can't even think straight.

回答 (4)

2019-05-13 1:39 pm
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You wouldn't be digested alive. You would drown and die with the stomach acid filling your lungs long before you began to digest. You love it because it's nothing more than a fantasy. You haven't thought about what it would really be like to experience that. I guarantee if you were swallowed by a giant snake or something, you would instantly start to regret your choices and no longer have that fetish. The stench, burning sensation, and asphyxiation would be terrifying to you.

I don't know why people have a vore fetish. I've never understood it at all, sort of like I've never understood why someone would have a diaper fetish. But to each their own. It's not something you can ever do, so I guess if it doesn't become such an obsession that it interferes with the other responsibilities and relationships in your life, enjoy the fantasy.
2019-05-12 8:37 am
That is normal.
2019-05-12 11:48 am
you need help go see a phyche
2019-05-12 9:45 am
rnaybe you should get sorne counseling, it rnight help you out

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