Is it true that one of the symptoms of narcissistic sociopathic personality disorder is constantly accusing others of having schizophrenia?

2019-05-11 11:43 pm

回答 (5)

2019-05-12 1:40 am
"narcissistic sociopathic personality disorder" is not a real or recognised disorder.
2019-05-12 2:38 am
Heard of both individually but not together. Sociopaths are narcissists, not all narcissists are sociopaths. So what do you mean? Self diagnosing again?
2019-05-12 1:39 am
its possible
2019-05-12 12:45 am
look up egomania documentary on youtube
2019-05-12 12:27 am
i would hope not
2019-05-11 11:54 pm
Never heard of that before

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