How to cheat on exam?

2019-05-11 10:22 am
I have a provincial achievement test on Monday and I have to write a three page essay in 70 minutes. I'm not supposed to learn the topic until Monday, but I have friends who have taken it and told me the topic. I'm planning on writing most of it this weekend but changing the font colour to white and gradually change it to black as the test begins (we're using computers to write it). To be extra safe, I'll be writing it on my personal google drive and emailing it to my school account bc my school district can see in my drive. Does this sound good or am I at a high risk of getting caught?

回答 (3)

2019-05-12 6:05 pm
messed around, bad, low marks, flunked.
2019-05-11 10:33 am
It's not that difficult to write 3 pages in 70 minutes, especially if you know the subject beforehand. Write it out, and read it over several times. You should be able to recreate it from memory. The other way is almost sure to be detected.
2019-05-11 10:24 am
You are at a VERY high risk of getting caught and FLUNKED.
Think carefully before proceeding.

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