Stuck in love triangle, help?

2019-05-10 7:05 am
There’s this guy I really don’t like romantically, I always see him around uni and he found me on social media and always likes my stuff. So I was at a uni party the other night and he came over to me but he had a friend with him. I instantly really liked his friend he’s my type in every way and he seemed to be flirting with me. He said he always sees me around uni and then looked embarrassed he’d told me that. He added me on snapchat and hugged me when I left. The only problem is since the party the guy I don’t like keeps messaging me and the guy I do like only seems to message when he’s with the guy I don’t like :( I’m not sure if he’s trying to not betray his friend by going after the same girl. Should I message the guy I like? What should I say??

回答 (1)

2019-05-10 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Its a very difficult situation when two good guy friends want to date the same girl. If the guy you like doesn't message you much maybe he's not too interested in dating you. And you don't like the one who is messaging you. Probably best to friend zone the one you aren't interested in and hope the other one picks up his interest. Tho he probably won't want to do that to his friend.

I don't think you should message the friend until the other one is clearly in the friend zone. In any case, its not likely to work out in your favor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:11
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