Why do companies do this?

2019-05-10 3:33 am
I recently went for an interview for a job. Originally I thought this thing was very professional. The 3 interviews I was called to were also very professional. My last interview I was told as before that I would be contacted within 5 days of the last interview. 5 days pass and I hear nothing back. I politely send a follow up email after the 5 days thanking them for the interview and that the next business day I would contact them via phone to follow up. I do this just to be told that the job was filled not even an hour after I had left from the interview. Why is it that employers expect a great amount of professionalism from prospective employees, but yet are sub par at best when it comes to professionalism. If you tell someone you are going to contact them, you do that. Any thoughts to this?

回答 (18)

2019-05-10 3:54 am
The interviewer is often not the one that makes the final hire.
2019-05-10 3:43 am
When I interview applicants I tell them that I will be making a decision in five days. If only I had a nickel for every applicant who morphs that into "I will call you and let you know in five days". It doesn't mean that at all.

I agree it's rude to tell applicants that you will call them either way and then not do it.

Nutshell? It's standard practice not to call all applicants. It's a waste of time and not what managers get paid to do. And that's why I don't tell applicants that I will.

Getting your knickers in a twist about something that is standard and to be expected is also a waste of time.
2019-05-10 3:58 am
You need them more than they need you.
2019-05-10 4:06 am
Honestly, a job has zero obligation to inform you that you aren't getting the job...
2019-05-10 6:04 am
It is a big reflection on where our society is heading. No connection or empathy with people, no respect or common courtesy. They use and toss you aside like dating apps with just a picture.
My best friend and I experienced that while job hunting. I remember we both applied for the same position, and they seemed so nice and told us how they weren't like big companies and would DEFINITELY get back to us about the job. They also asked us to send a follow up email. We were so excited and you think they called either of us to say we didn't get the job? NO WAY!! Very disrespectful.
That being said most jobs I got to say they received 500 applications and I live in a small city so I guess they stopped caring.
2019-05-10 3:53 am
Because it’s a waste of time to call someone and let them know they didn’t get the job. Why would they care about you if they are never going to be associated with you since they’re not hiring you anyway? It’s nothing personal, just the way things work. It sucks for you, you didn’t get the job and I understand you feel a bit salty, but that’s how it is. Forget, move on and look for a new job. Good luck
2019-05-12 10:53 am
Sometimes it’s to avoid answering questions. Also people are crazy these days and can get very threatening if they get bad news. It’s also sometimes so they can keep your resume on file if someone changes their mind or doesn’t work out.
2019-05-10 10:38 am
This is the norm. It's very rare for a company to contact you to tell you you didn't get the job. It's better for them to leave it open anyway. If they told everyone they didn't get the job, and the person they hired didn't work out, they'd have to start over from the beginning and interview new people which is expensive. This way, if there was a close second-choice candidate during the initial round of interviews, and it hasn't been too long, they can call that person to see if they're still available for the job.
2019-05-14 5:28 am
SONNY! They get a very good candidate they jump at hiring him right there and then. They expect you to just vanish into the wood work. It does suck, but that's life. I had an interview for a State job walked in and was told up front the job was filed but he had to do so many interviews before he could confirm. I lost a full days pay for an interview of a job that no longer existed. Tell me about it!
2019-05-11 4:32 am
who knows

forget it - and move on
2019-05-10 7:28 am
They are under no obligation, and in fact very few companies do, notify you that you didn't get the job. If you have not heard within the the number of days they said, it means you DID NOT, get the job.
Also as someone who used to interview and hire people a thank you note would be seen as brown nosing and you would not get the job
2019-05-10 6:01 am
Happens too often at all levels of companies and all levels of jobs. Many companies get dozens upon dozens of applicants however the time to let people know takes seconds via email and should be done
2019-05-10 5:41 am
It is reasonable that companies don't contact every applicant if they get a large number of them. But I agree that someone who has interviewed deserves to be contacted and told even if they didn't get the job. Contact by phone, mail or email is ok.
2019-05-10 4:59 am
Because people are jerks and they have all the power. They have nothing to lose by blowing you off in this situation.
2019-05-10 4:57 am
i dont know but they all do it...from fast food to corporate jobs...everyone on earth must have really bad memory...you human....
2019-05-12 12:17 am
Normal. Continue looking for a job.
2019-05-10 4:15 am
2019-05-10 3:42 am
Wow I'd be furious too! Unfortunately I can't answer your question, I apologize.

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