What causes massive heart attacks at 32?

2019-05-09 6:50 am
No family no heart problems! Just heard healthy people can still get them.

回答 (11)

2019-05-09 6:56 am
USUALLY a blood clot formed by a dislodged piece of plaque in the artery. And you're right, 'it can' happen to ANYONE, all you can do is try to lower the odds
2019-05-09 7:14 am
Fried chicken
2019-05-11 8:23 pm
1st off You can only have a heart attack if You have a heart.... people younger then 18 can have them and people older the 18 can have them. A "Heart Attack" is caused By one thing or another thing specific to Older folks with specific issues, there are a series of Issues that can affect the heart and heart function which would typically be mopre in line with younger people such as a number of Cardiomyopathies which relate to thickening of the heart muscle in specific locations or In general which can throw off he hearts ability to function normally speeding the heart beat to Make up for the blood it can no long pump as it once did ... there are Numerous reasons from congenital issues (Born with) Illnesses that Scar heart tissue . Illegal drug use, There are also Vascular issues such as An Aortic Dissection which is the Largest Artery tearing open and the person bleeding to death Obviously heart isnt the direct cause the artery which is around 4.5 cm for a average person as well as similar issues in Other places (arterial in the body (brain anuerysm) obviously not a heart attack BUT the heart affects every cell in your body .. Genetics Disease Food Mineral intake , cholesterol ( the types of fat you eat Builds up in your blood tubes causeing problems but usually that takes some time smoking stress is one tiny little tidbit........ www.heart.org
2019-05-10 4:41 pm
Harry Agganis died of a heart attack when he was 26.
2019-05-09 1:04 pm
Lucky you or whoever had it
2019-05-09 6:55 am
Being a couch potato too long clogs up your
Veins and arteries and plugs up your heart
So it can't work. Also pushing yourself too
Hard while running or working out can cause
It. Do things in moderation and slowly build
2019-05-12 7:57 am
Sudden, massive heart attacks (that can prove fatal) are usually caused by unsuspected cardiovascular disease. You can have cardiovascular heart disease and you or your doctor will have to reason to suspect that you do. You appear to be in fine health, until one fine day when you suddenly and unexpectedly drop dead from sudden heart failure.
2019-05-11 5:30 am
The most common “massive heart attack” is a myocardial infarction caused by occlusion, or blockage, of the “widow maker”… the left anterior descending artery, or “LAD”. A problem with the arterial plumbing supplying oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle itself.
Of note, Death from a “widow maker” is minutes to hours away depending on the severity of the blockage. LAD occlusion often creates the “perfect” electrical storm conditions for development of ventricular tachycardias and ventricular fibrillation. It's the “electrical” problem stemming from the “blocked plumbing” that often is the killer.
2019-05-09 7:36 am
Usually a clotting disorder or a unknown or known congenital disorder
2019-05-09 6:50 am
Severe amounts of stress can do it.
2019-05-09 7:00 am
Outside of congenital problems, living a very sedentary life is the most likely cause, that and drug abuse. Some people also have a genetic predisposition for early onset arterial plaque production.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:36:47
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