could modem day america military defeat all ww2 allies alone??NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS ALLOWED?

2019-05-09 3:26 am

回答 (12)

2019-05-09 6:32 am
The Chinese alone have a billion people. I think we figured out in Korea that fighting a war of attrition with them was not such a good idea.
2019-05-09 3:42 am
probably not

your talking about 1.5 million people beating 30 million soldiers

that doesn't happen except in fantases
2019-05-09 3:38 am
Why would we want to defeat our Allies?
2019-05-09 1:14 pm
Remember Vietnam and the North never had any Bombers

and the USA lost dramatically Came in second in Korea

7 times back to Iraq and 17 years in Afganistan

when the USA is out of Iraq nd Afganistan and won then i will change my opinion

2 thumbs down Denial will never help the USA win Vietnam or the war of 1812
2019-05-10 9:19 am
We have not won a war or major conflict since WW-II .. and that took some really heavy bombs... and our Navy seems to be playing bumper boats with large container ships that they did not see.
2019-05-12 7:27 pm
2019-05-09 5:41 am
Not even close. You would have to project and sustain your forces to Russia, South Africa, Asia, Australia, Mainland Europe, Great Britain, Canada, South America etc and protect and defend your own borders at the same time
2019-05-09 3:29 am
Yes, we have the largest standing military in the world and far surpass other every other country in defense spending. We have both the technology and manpower to defeat any other enemy we come against when nuclear is removed from the equation.
2019-05-12 3:07 am
2019-05-10 2:47 am
no because they would not be able to
2019-05-09 3:39 am
2019-05-10 5:32 am
No. In WW TWO the USAAF had tens of thousands of bombers and almost as many fighters. We can not stop that many planes, even if we were 100% on every shot. The US Navy had well over 1000 ships. Today we have less than 300. The US Navy had 288 diesel electric subs in WW TWO, which are very quiet compared to nuclear subs and they would be a major danger to our modern subs. This is just what the USA had, add in all the stuff the allies had and combined they could easily beat the USA of today. The reason we have let our conventional forces get so small is we really do plan on using tactical nukes in the next war. That is why we did so poorly at the start of the Korean War, we had put away a lot of our stuff from WW II because we had nukes but then when Russia got them, our whole substitution of nukes for conventional weapons was no longer a good idea.

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