Does it make me shallow if I want a girlfriend who looks like Kim Kardashian?

2019-05-08 1:56 pm
that's called Preference. Don't be ashamed of it. I don't see why people get so worked up when a straight man has a preference. You get looked at like the anti Christ or Hitler. But when a woman has a laundry list of wants and demands it's all fair game. Tell me w

回答 (1)

2019-05-08 2:11 pm
No it doesn't make you shallow, instead its completely normal. I myself as a guy have preference on the outlook of woman I date, and its no shame to speak out what type of girls you prefer.
However, being in a relationship is more than just the outlook. Girls like Kim may attract you at first sight, but having a relationship requires other things like character, lifestyle, etc. It's nothing wrong to be attracted by girls with specific type of outlook, but make sure you know what's more important in a relationship

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 15:50:53
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