Why doesn't trump care about the environment?

2019-05-07 9:44 pm

回答 (13)

2019-05-07 10:02 pm
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Because he is a Republican. And God knows they dont do constructive. Just destructive. As much damage and chaos they can muster everyday.
2019-05-07 9:50 pm
Tump signed the Save Our Seas Act to help clean up ocean pollution.
2019-05-07 9:52 pm
What does "care" about the environment mean? Just because Trump doesn't "care" about the environment the same way YOU do, doesn't mean he doesn't care.
2019-05-07 9:46 pm
The notion of the left that conservatives don't care about the environment couldn't be further from the truth. Conservatives like to enjoy nature by spending a lot of time in the outdoors. Conservatives give more to environmental preservation programs when compared to liberals who give 10X less...
2019-05-07 9:45 pm
He does. Its just that he knows the man made climate change narrative is a money grab and a hoax.
2019-05-07 9:48 pm
What do you mean Trump doesn't care about the environment? Coal plants are closing faster under Trump than they ever did under Obama.

2019-05-07 9:46 pm
Not to worry , he does .

Any of 0bama's numerous regulations that were eliminated were not to protect the environment but rather were implemented with the intent of being redundant and punitive .
Some were even designed to put political rivals out of business .
2019-05-07 11:04 pm
China causes the most pollution. United Arab Emirates causes the most pollution per capita. Why don't NON WHITES care about the environment
2019-05-07 9:46 pm
One person's environmental Armageddon is another fascist's opportunity to exploit the environment.

Mike Pompeo Says Melting Sea Ice Opens 'New Passageways' For Trade
As global warming concerns grow, the U.S. secretary of state points to Arctic sea lanes as "an opportunity."
2019-05-07 9:45 pm
Callous disregard for the environment is a fairly typical conservative position.
2019-05-07 9:46 pm
I'm sure he does, but he's not buying the Left's attempts to usher in Socialism under the guise of climate change.
2019-05-07 10:00 pm
false conclusion on your part ["doesn't care"].

Zealots and government tend to set arbitrary goals to placate their important constituencies whether those goals are realistic or not and heedless of consequences.

Example: in the eight year Obama administration, particulate emission standards for power production were raised five times. At least four of these were done without significant study as to the expected cost of compliance, nor as to whether they were engineering-wise feasible.

the predictable result was that many small plants were shut down [except ones burning natural gas]. predictable secondary results -- demand for coal and other non-natural gas combustibles fell sharply. This lead directly to bankruptcies and unemployment in coal mining. It also lead directly to a surplus of sawdust and other wood byproducts being dumped into landfills as buyers disappeared.

Industries that had produced their own power locally [thus not needing high voltage electrical lines to their location] had to abandon their electrical plant and hire substitute power from the major utilities, often needing to pay for new high voltage power lines to bring the power to their location. Some of these facilities closed, with loss of jobs, and moved production elsewhere or out of the country. Some simply went bankrupt -- also with loss of jobs.

This because the implied goal of Obama's EPA was pristine skies and water, no matter the cost.

Well, the lost jobs paid better, on average, than US average -- so this ended up exporting good paying jobs and contributed to Obama's record as presiding over the worst recovery since 1937.

Trump's actions have been relatively mild -- rescinding some of the worst examples of Obama's arbitrary actions and requiring, after the fact, that proper engineering and scientific studies be done.

Frankly, I think this is too little, too late. Absent insistence on proper studies backing up new rules and regulations, the next green President's administration will simply re-impose the handcuffing regulations -- industry not being stupid, they now expect this and thus those jobs are NEVER coming back to America.

Meanwhile, the people and businesses who lost in this Obama administration debacle, and similar ones [required auto fleet mileage was also arbitrarily increased with study] received almost no job training or compensation for their lost value.

That's NOT private property or free enterprise in action -- it's capricious my way ot he highway government dictating to the people. [Getting close to a socialist regime in which the government makes the decisions for us and we meekly follow along or get jailed.]
2019-05-07 9:52 pm
What has the environment ever done for him? /s

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