Is it wrong to not want to date a sweet, caring person because you aren’t physically attracted to them?

2019-05-07 1:23 am

回答 (20)

2019-05-07 4:23 am
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Be true to yourself. If you don't have the right chemistry or attraction to that person be honest with yourself and that person.
2019-05-07 10:30 pm
Like it or not physical attraction is part of a romantic relationship in most cases. So trying to date someone you're not that into isn't really fair to that person.
2019-05-07 9:48 pm
I tried that a couple of times. It doesn't work. I just couldn't bring myself to have feelings for them that they were worthy of. It wasn't fair to them, and it wasn't fair to me. We like who we like and that's just how things are. Don't fight it or you will be dissatisfied the whole time.
2019-05-07 1:24 am
No it is not. It's common sense.
2019-05-07 2:41 am
It's not wrong.
It's just YOUR loss.

Our initial attraction is just infatuation, and the more we ARE attracted to someone at first, the more it is because our unconscious problems see this person as someone who will bring out our pain.
So strong physical attraction is actually a bad thing. And it may or may not last. Certainly, if it lasts, sooner or later they become old and are not longer attractive. Love is what makes us think someone is still attractive.

Over a few years of knowing someone, if we start to love them as a person, start to become close to them, the attraction develops. But it won't be the compulsive immediate dysfunctional attraction of just-meeting someone. it is calmer, but more rewarding.

You will never get to that stage, apparently.
Your loss.
2019-05-07 2:01 am
No. If you don't find someone attractive, there's no reason to feel obliged to date them.
2019-05-07 1:39 am
No, of course not. Dating someone to whom you are not attracted is misleading them.
2019-05-07 1:24 am
no its not wrong at all, you have to be attracted to that person to some level otherwise its going to be very hard on both of you, some people end up falling in love but personally with zero attraction its just not a good idea.
2019-05-09 12:01 pm
No I’ve been there before
2019-05-08 8:54 am
Not at all.
2019-05-08 5:37 am
2019-05-07 11:03 am
It’s not wrong.
2019-05-07 6:10 am
Well, I think it is!! I do get attracted to sweet and caring people 10 times a day! lolll
2019-05-07 4:17 am
Dating is not compulsory. But physical attraction aloned will wane
2019-05-07 3:36 am
Not at all. You get to decide whatever you want in the dating scene.There are no anti discriminating laws in the dating scene.Its your choice. You should always look for someone who you are attracted to right from the moment you first see someone.Everything else is a bonus. At least know what you want first.A lot of people dont.

There are some good books that you might enjoy.Try these:

1)"Are You The One For Me?"
By Barbara De Angelis.

2)”Cracking The Dating Code”.By Janet O’Neal.

3)"Toxic Friends:a practical guide to recognizing and dealing with an unhealthy friendship". By Loraine Smith-Hines. 

4)"Date Or Soul Mate?" By Neil Clark Warren.

5)"Falling in love for all the right reasons".
By Neil Clark Warren.

6)"Its not him,its you". By Christie Hartman.

7)"Hollywood Dating Blunders:rules,questions and warning signs to avoid the bloopers". By Jim Carroll & Dennis Foose.

8)"The Little Book Of Red Flags".
By Natasha Burton.

9)"Deal Breakers". By Dr.Bethany Marshall.

10):The Dirty Seven:Ladies Beware."
By June Marshall.

11)"The Complete Idiots Guide To Handling A Break Up". By Rosanne Rosen.

Those books are still available new and second hand.
2019-05-07 2:54 am
Physical attraction is a crucial part of any lasting relationship.
2019-05-07 1:48 am
It's not wrong however it's a bit shallow because what's on the inside is where the value of a person is. Age hinders appearance quite a bit but a great soul can last a very long time.
2019-05-07 1:29 am
some people date someone they do not even like.


if his face make you want to vomit..

please do not date them...
2019-05-07 1:25 am
2019-05-07 2:40 am
When we date someone, the initial reason is almost always about physical attraction and often a connection on some level(s), too. Without these things why bother ?

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