Is there any land animal that could beat a grizzly bear in a fight?

2019-05-06 8:31 pm

回答 (9)

2019-05-06 9:01 pm
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Plenty of big herbivores.
Some large moose occasionally confront grizzlies, though they don't always win.
Some large bison; same story.
All elephant species today, aside from dwarfs, would beat a grizzly.
Rhinos and hippos; same story. These animals are far too big and powerful for a grizzly.

Kodiak bears and polar bears could also beat a grizzly if they're healthy, they are far too big/powerful. Grizzlies are smaller then these bears.

Salt water crocodiles are deceptively large, depending on circumstance they could also whop a grizzly.
2019-05-07 8:23 pm
An elephant.
2019-05-08 1:40 am
Here is a few animals that can beat a grizzly bear

Bull hippo
Black rhino
Any elephant (besides the Pygmy elephant)
Human (with weapons)
Great white shark (only in deep water)
American bison

a grizzly bear would easily beat a African lion , a rattlesnake or a Siberian tiger .
2019-05-07 1:20 am
A tiger has been known to ambush a grizzly from behind by biting the neck. Face to face, a tiger probably cannot win. The only thing a grizzly fears is a bigger grizzly and of course, they may also back out of a fight if the other bear is more aggressive or if it is a female with cubs. Females will fight the bigger males to protect their cubs because males are known to kill cubs. In fact, most bear attacks on humans are done by females that think humans may kill their cubs.
2019-05-06 10:14 pm
Maybe a polar bear. They are huge. And if we can include extinct species, the T-rex.
2019-05-10 9:52 am
here are a few

polar bear
bull elephant
anything other than that stands no chance
2019-05-06 10:00 pm
I understand that Many bears are killed by trying to eat porcupines. Their quills get imbedded in the bears mouths. So they are unable to eat and it's painful
2019-05-06 9:26 pm
A man with a rifle.
2019-05-07 3:08 am
Polar bear, cape buffalo, elephant, rattlesnake, etc.

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