what does "ducking out" mean?

2019-05-05 8:51 am

never mind, I"m old, i knew what ducking out meant before most of you were born. i tried to put this question in the horse racing category, didn't seem to work, so, don't advise me any more ast to what it means, move it or flag it as whatever, please, i can't seem to delete it, can't change it, can't do nothing but to be stuck here in yahoo answers purgatory

回答 (4)

2019-05-05 9:58 am
Avoiding doing something because you don't want to do it.
2019-05-05 9:20 am
i really tried to put this in the "horse racing" category of "sports", i do know what "ducking out" means as to just leaving the scene, thank you though. if you can put this in the right spot for me i would appreciate it
2019-05-05 9:07 am
Sorta quietly clearing out before everyone else.
2019-05-05 8:54 am
leaving early

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