Am I a bad person for walking away from a 19 year friendship?

2019-05-04 11:48 pm
When both of them got girlfriends, I became the one initiating plans to hang out,go on double dates and always visiting them, the only time one of them visited me was because his wife suggested it and the other because his girlfriend was busy. When ever I went to them even though they both have cars it was always my car that was used and when I asked why we cant use theirs there was always some reason why they cant use theirs.

I did confront the one friend about it and he admit that he expected me to do everything in the friendship

I went to visit one of them who is currently still staying with his dad and his girlfriend is staying with him. This time we took his car to go shopping for groceries which I tagged along, I could see they were struggling that month,so I decided to help out and buy some groceries for them. When we got back to his place he said out of the blue if we were in a fight he would win. I still do not understand why he said that.

These guys were there for me when I went through some pretty rough patches in my life, feeling insecure about myself or my situation.

After he saw my message he sent an angry voice note saying that I have been emotionally needy for the past 6 years and i was at his brothers wedding as a best man and how dare I. He stated that I am selfish narcissistic and a piece of crap.

I admit it still hurts.

Does this make me a bad person?

回答 (1)

2019-05-05 12:06 am
No, you aren't a bad person. People change, life moves on,maybe you just can't hang out with them nearly as much. Maybe you won't be able to hang out with them at all down the road. I'd just go about my life, meet new people, do whatever. Call them from time to time to hang out, but not to much. If it gets to a point where they always say no or just tell you to stop calling, then stop. This is normal, its happens to everyone that people come and go from our lives.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:16
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