Who do you think was the worst person to ever be the leader of a country? The Best?

2019-05-04 3:52 am

回答 (11)

2019-05-04 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Worst Donald Trump.
Best Indira Gandhi.
2019-05-04 3:57 am
Winston Churchill best, Hitler was worst
2019-05-04 3:54 am
Worst: Hitler
Best: Theodore Roosevelt
2019-05-04 4:14 am
The worst had to be the Roman Emperor Caligula. He was crazy and murderous. I say Abraham Lincoln was the best. Got us through the Civil War and freed the slaves.
2019-05-04 4:13 am
George Washington best, Joe Stalin worst .
2019-05-04 4:10 am
Genghis Khan Was super evil he used to torture people and rape tons of women. My favorite leader was Lincoln
2019-05-04 3:58 am
worst: me
best: also me

i dunno, my political thinking might be becoming more solipsistic in this crazy age.
2019-05-04 4:41 am
I don't know probably Hitler
2019-05-04 4:09 am
Tony Bliar
2019-05-04 3:59 am
Worst, Margaret Thatcher
Best, Obama
2019-05-04 4:26 am
without question the worst president we've ever had." Trump..agent orange.hes the clown u should fear. mr antichrist.even animals hate him.. groping and sexually harassing over a dozen women. corruption due to his past business endeavors, such as the scam of Trump University.nixon watergate has nothing on mr bigot.Trump is more open in embracing flagrant dishonesty,a call to higher standards in the hope that we nominate less corrupt candidates in the future.
http://www.thehypertexts.com/Donald%20Trump%20666%20Mark%20of%20the%20Beast.htm OMG


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