Why he seem like avoid me?

2019-05-03 12:08 pm
I asked a guy(colleague from different department) whether he has gf because my colleague saw him with a lady. He answer is no. But after that , there is one time, i went to his department doing work, his colleague looking for him but he go other place. Is it he purposedly saw me and avoid me. Why?

回答 (2)

2019-05-03 12:29 pm
Sometimes even though u like someone and get excited when there coming to your location, u get nervous and hide because they might not give the reaction your hoping for ,and that’s why men do this
2019-05-03 12:13 pm
He is afraid you are chasing after him and he is not attracted to you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 22:57:29
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