Is abortion bad?

2019-05-01 11:27 pm
Isn't it like killing babies, since they are a human being and have a soul from the moment that they are concieved. I know they haven't been born yet but isn't it taking a life out of the world. Can you tell me why it is Okay or not?

回答 (23)

2019-05-01 11:30 pm
Yes it is bad. Abortion is murder and no murderer shall enter God's kingdom It's never okay to murder another human being. God said "Thou shalt do no murder".
2019-05-01 11:49 pm
Do you have any credible evidence for your claims that souls exist and are there from conception?

I think almost everyone agrees that abortion is a bad option. But sometimes it is better than not having an abortion.

First let's make something clear - abortion in America (and most of the world) is not murder. Murder is the illegal killing of a human being. The death penalty is not murder. Shooting someone is self defense is not murder abortion is not murder. All these things are legal.

Anyone who says "abortion is murder" is making an emotional argument, often because they are incapable of making a reasoned one.

Abortion is not a good solution to a problem that should have never existed. But all too often it is a problem that does exist. Women pregnancies that threaten their lives. Women have pregnancies because or rape. Women have pregnancies because they were never given good sex education. Women have pregnancies because they are denied access to contraception.

For these women abortion may well be the lesser of evils.

Personally I think all the men on here saying that women should not have abortions should STFU until they run a risk of becoming pregnant.

One final point. If these people were really, really wanting to stop abortions from happening, then the very best way to do that is make contraception freely available and educate girls on how to use it. But the anti-abortion crowd also seem to be the anti-sex-ed and anti-contraception crowd. I believe that for them this is not about stopping abortions, but about controlling women.
2019-05-01 11:35 pm
No it isn't like killing babies, anywhere civilised has time limits so it can only be done before the bunch of cells is a baby. You'd expect a rape victim to go through with it? Nice...
2019-05-02 12:51 am
Yes having an abortion is very bad. In God’s eyes, life especially human life is sacred. (Genesis 9:6; Psalm 36:9) This principle applies to a baby growing in the womb, a place designed by God to be a safe haven for a developing child. “You kept me screened off in my mother’s womb,” said a Bible writer. He added: “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book regarding the days when they were formed.”(Psalm 139:13, 16).
2019-05-01 11:57 pm
Nope, not even the slightest. It can help create a sustainable population, and our planet is already heavily overpopulated. It prevents people from being born into horrible conditions. It removes parasites from people, do they don't have to go around carrying them for months, with the fetuses leaching from them.

What scientific basis do you have for this concept called 'soul', and even if you have one, how do you determine that you get the soul at conception? And also, you didn't explain why having a soul should be the determining factor as to whether or not abortion is bad, and why it can't be some other trait instead, for example sentience/lack thereof. And going by your soul basis, do miscarriages have souls, you know, god's 'abortions'?

It is taking a life out of this world in the same sense as eating an apple is taking a life out of the world. While both an apple (and plants in general) and a fetus are both living organisms in biology, the apple isn't sentient, nor is the fetus (until late in development) and thus they experience nothing, have no will to life and nothing resembling a consciousness at all.
2019-05-01 11:43 pm
everyone who is for abortion is already born so it doesn't matter to them but if they were that baby their opinion on abortion would change
2019-05-02 4:30 am
Well, yes, unborn children are human lives. And terminating them is bad, in most cases.

I say "in most cases" because there are conditions we can now detect while they are gestating which will, if the child is born, result in that child suffering horribly for a week or two, and then dying. And there's nothing we can do to fix that. So a parent might well decide it would be better not to do that to the child--and anyone who insists on the child being born is torturing an innocent infant to make a political point!

So you see, things are too complicated to dictate the decision. Other considerations may come into play: other illnesses, the likelihood the mother will be hurt, the possible damage to other children in the family. Rules that treat everyone the same are often bad rules, because everyone is different. The people who are most likely to make a reasonable decision are (a) the pregnant woman, and (b) anyone else she trusts, including her doctors.

I am entirely willing to say that abortion is, usually, a bad thing. But I am not willing to have somebody with no actual interest in the child treat the mother as property, as nothing but incubating equipment. Abortion is usually bad, but abortion RIGHTS are the only tolerable system for placing control where it belongs.

And the politicians who pass themselves off as "pro-life" by campaigning for government ownership of pregnant women are usually anti-life in every other respect. They use their "pro-life" claim as an excuse to do their best to deprive parents of the resources to feed, clothe, house, and provide medical support and educations to their children. They have done their best to motivate MORE abortions, by depriving parents of resources, and they want it that way, because they want the issue, not the result. That's what government oppression does.
2019-05-02 1:45 am
It's not LIKE killing babies. It IS killing babies. Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood clinic director, realized that when she observed a 13 week unborn child being aborted while watching an ultrasound of the baby being literally torn apart. She immediately walked out and left PP forever five minutes later. Her story is in the book "Unplanned" and the movie of the same name.
2019-05-02 10:59 am
Legal doesn't always mean something is right. Taking an unborn babies life is MURDER.
2019-05-01 11:58 pm
It is "ok" in countries where the courts have declared it legal - this doe not make it a morally correct choice - keep working to change laws you do not agree with!

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