How can tree roots help infiltration of water ?

2019-05-01 4:06 am

回答 (1)

2019-05-10 4:05 pm
The growth and development of trees depend on their roots to absorb water and nutrients, and then produce carbohydrates through the photosynthesis of leaves, supply branches, roots, etc. The conductive tissues of trees, or transport systems, are mainly the bark and bark. Generally, bark focuses on the transport of water and nutrients, while the bark focuses on the transport of photosynthates produced by leaves. However, their functions are different seasons. Festivals will undergo certain changes, such as spring, mainly for upward and outward growth expansion services, transportation of water and nutrients; autumn is mainly to accumulate and store carbohydrates (mainly branches, roots, fruits and seeds).

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:38:16
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