What is the reason for doctors to tell you to start fasting?

2019-05-01 12:41 am
One of the nurses told me I should start fasting which I don't understand because I'm not over weight I'm actually pretty healthy for my size. Im 5 feet and I weigh 108. Should I listen to them? They wanted me to fast for a week until my next appointment. Which I don't understand... And they expect me to drive myself back to the clinic.. Like I'm not gonna be feeling drowsy or weak. Idk.

回答 (5)

2019-05-01 12:43 am
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There are different reasons as to why, it depends what tests you’d be put through
2019-05-01 12:45 am
You should have asked them why they wanted you to fast for a week! It is not normal for anyone to fast for a week other than possibly spiritual reasons. If you really wish to know why, please give them a call and ask them the purpose for the fast. Even if you were overweight, that would be a stupid reason for a week fast.

Have a wonderful day
2019-05-01 12:44 am
Ring the nurse and confirm exactly what is required.
Sometimes you need to do a fasting blood test a week later but you only need to fast for 12 hours before the test.
2019-05-01 2:52 am
It sounds like they want you to fast for a test. But that would only be 24 hours max
2019-05-01 3:36 am
Short fasts are common where anaesthetics would be required such as surgey but thats generally half a day or thereabouts.

Maybe is some sort of bowel test that requires them to be emptioer, never heard of a week before but I'm not a medical expert.

What were you at the doctor for? I'm guessing if they have asked you to go back it was more than just a general checkup.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:48
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