TOEIC 的題目 請幫解答?

2019-04-30 11:07 pm
The building can accommodate corporations with hundreds of employees as easily as it can operations with only two employees
我想請問各位高手 這整段要如何翻譯??
還有為什麼助動詞 can 的後面可以加名詞operations??

回答 (3)

2019-05-01 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
這句話的重點是在"as easy as"這個詞的使用.
"as easy as"是用來接後面的副詞子句:

"as easy as" the building can accommodate corporations with only two employees.

所以你的原句 可以展開成:

The building can accommodate corporations with hundreds of employees "as easy as" the building can accommodate corporations with only two employees.


1. 重複的 "the building" -> 後來的 就用it來替代.

2. 重複的 "can accommodate" -> 後面的就 只留下 can 助動詞.

The building can accommodate corporations with hundreds of employees "as easy as" the building (it) can [accommodate] corporations with only two employees.

=> The building can accommodate corporations with hundreds of employees as easily as it can operations with only two employees (請別忘了句點).

3. 翻譯: 這建築 可以 就像 [容納] 2人公司那樣簡單地 容納下 百人公司.

4. I can eat fried rice as fast as I can dumplings. 我可以像[吃]水餃一樣快地 吃炒飯.
2019-05-01 8:05 am
as easy as--->as good as--->as much as--->=what really amounts to that from 100s to 2=a non-difining relative phrase to antecedent inferred 100s employees and introducing an adv cl. of reason-"can accomodate corporation with only 2"
eg:-The building can accomodate corporations with 100s of employees "as easy as" it can accomodate only 2.
Printing Error:-it can operations
2019-05-02 1:02 am
The building can accommodate corporations with hundreds of employees as easily as it can operations with only two employees. My Amendments are: This building job can either be done by means of corporation with many employees otherwise by that of a few. Yip

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