what is the difference between vegans and vegetarians?

2019-04-30 10:20 pm

回答 (32)

2019-04-30 11:55 pm
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vegans are more self righteous and thinner
2019-04-30 10:21 pm
There are a great many different kinds of vegetarians, of which vegan is one. Basically it is about the degree to which people apply the "no animal products" idea. Some "vegetarians" even eat fish (I don't get that, but it's true). There's even different levels of vegans. Some only apply the idea to food and others apply it to absolutely everything (with varying results). There is no one rule book that everybody plays by.
2019-04-30 10:21 pm
nobody can spell 'vegetarians' ......................................
2019-04-30 10:27 pm
Vegetarians are at least somewhat nourished and sane...
2019-05-01 11:19 pm
I’d say there are three stages, vegetarian which is just no meat, plant based which is eating only things made of plants and no animal products, then vegan which is not eating or using any product that is made from with or tested on animals.
2019-05-02 7:53 am
Vegans do not eat any form of animal products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. While vegetarians just do not eat meat.
2019-05-01 7:13 am
You can easily look this up almost anywhere. But as you can't...

Vegetarians do not eat anything from dead animals. So basically they don't eat meat or fish. Vegans go further and don't eat anything that came from an animal. So they don't eat eggs or dairy products, while vegetarians will.

There is a logical sense to this. OK, eggs and milk don't directly involve an animal being killed, but it's not as simple as that. To produce eggs, only female chickens are any good to you as only they lay eggs, so on egg farms, most of the male chicks get killed very young because we don't need them. To produce milk, again, only cows produce milk, bulls don't, and you have to keep the cows pregnant so they continue to have calves and make milk. So you've got to keep them having babies and what do you do with all the male calves you don't need? They either get fattened up for veal or just get killed pointlessly. So if you want to have nothing to do with the killing business, only being vegan makes sense.
2019-05-06 9:54 pm
Vegans use only plant-based diets, where vegetarians have fewer restrictions, where some opt for eggs, or fish added to their menus.
2019-05-02 1:58 pm
I suppose it can be done if you have a hotel kitchen at your disposal. It takes complexity to replace animal products.
2019-04-30 10:49 pm
not rnuch

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