Is it ok for a 14 year old to go to the movies by himself?

2019-04-30 1:53 am
I want to see avengers endgame but my dad cant take me. I will see it next weekend but I'm worried that they won't admit a 14 year old.

回答 (11)

2019-04-30 2:49 am
The movie is rated PG-13, so you don't need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. But you should check with your local theater and see what their policy is regarding unaccompanied minors. Mine doesn't allow anyone under 17 without a parent due to a riot by a group of teens several years ago the ended with a shooting.
2019-04-30 2:09 am
When I was ten years old we lived in Detroit. It wasn't a bad place in those days. There was a movie theater downtown called The World that played only newsreels and short B&W documentary films. My sister, two years older, and I used to take the bus downtown to go to this theater! She was twelve, I was ten, and we took the bus downtown all by ourselves! It was an 'adventure'.

I don't see any problem with a 14 year old going to a movie alone. Its not like it's X-rated or anything.
2019-04-30 3:15 am
Yes, just bring a couple friends with you
2019-04-30 2:57 am
See if a friend would go with you to the movie. They should admit you.
2019-04-30 1:56 am
Shouldn't be any issue. unless your parents say no. Do you have a friend who can go with you?
2019-05-08 6:55 am
For Endgame it'd be no problem at all. It's PG-13 so you're old enough to be admitted alone. If it were R rated that'd be a different story. But I went to the movies alone all the time when I was you're age, and I never had any problems getting in.
2019-04-30 6:56 pm
You can call the theatre and ask them. But I'm sure it will be fine.
2019-04-30 8:46 am
Why not, it's not rated R
2019-04-30 5:21 am
Its ok. Though you are stll a minor and need your parents permission.
2019-04-30 2:11 am
Do whatever you want and watch whatever you want the movies are safer than being out on the street, You are more likely to be beaten/robbed on the street than you are to be traumatised by a movie.
2019-04-30 1:57 am
avengers endgame is PG-13 so ur ok to watch it by urself.
be sure to watch it before 8pm bc some of the theaters have curfew for showtimes after 8pm
I recommend u watch it in the morning.
參考: I work at the movie theater we have curfew for showtimes after 8pm PG-13 movies is ok to let the teens watch by themselves.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:41:03
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