Phones cause cancer.?

2019-04-29 11:57 pm
By putting your phone, which is emitting radio waves, near your head cause ls cancer.

回答 (19)

2019-05-01 1:19 am
If it did, we'd all have cancer, right? Radio waves are hitting you from everywhere, everyday, all day --- cell towers, police radio, satellites, TV and radio stations, automatic door openers at stores, and many more. Your cell phone is just one of many.
2019-05-01 2:27 am
No more than 1000 other things in the environment that you encounter everyday.
2019-05-01 12:32 pm
If you believe that, get rid of your cell phone. You are responsible for your own health.
2019-05-01 8:41 am
Not long ago a study was completed and cell service 2g-4g cause cancer
2019-05-05 2:48 pm
There have been studies that confirm both sides of the question. My BIL spent a lot of time driving with one of those headphone ear plug thing and was diagnosed with cancer of the salivary gland on that side of his head. Whether of not the emissions (admittedly Bluetooth) caused it is anyone's guess.
2019-05-04 10:39 am
Only in the State of California and possibly Washington
2019-05-03 11:48 am
Yes, pretty well documented and worse for children with thinner skulls. Cell phone companies have tried to suppress public awareness of this, but independent studies have corroborated the risk. Corporate profit over humane considerations is what built America , since Industrial Revolution
2019-05-03 12:13 am
This matter will never be settled.
Do as you prefer.
2019-05-02 3:49 am
i don't think so cuz otherwise i'd be dead long ago.
2019-04-30 12:13 am
We don't know, yet. Lots of different sorts of cancer, and of phones.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:51
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