yahoo奇摩知識. 求下列文章翻譯為英文: 你好,我係Tom,我珼時出差湖南,要六號先回香港,可否約你七号係觀塘辦公室見面?

2019-04-29 6:08 pm

回答 (2)

2019-04-29 8:55 pm
Hello ,I am Tom. I am travelling on a business trip to Hunan,; and return HK on 6th. Can you meet me on 7th at HK Kwun Tong office ?
2019-05-01 10:22 am
Hi How are you, I'm tom and going to Hunan on business duties and expected in return to Hong Kong on sixth of this instant. May I make an appointment with you on seventh in my Kwun--Tong Office ? Yip

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