Do your parents obsess over success?

2019-04-29 8:25 am
I recently graduated college and got a job where I am miserable. My parents are very proud of me and constantly talking about the job I got and my degree but it has gotten overwhelming I almost forgot what is feels like to just have a good time. I almost feel like if I changed careers they would be really disappointed in me. I almost feel they love he job I have not me. Have you ever felt this way?

回答 (7)

2019-04-29 9:06 am
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what did you study? what degree did you get? are you just working any retail job or did you think your job in your field is not what you wanted or thought it was? without more details, it's hard to say.

have you considered the military for some possible self motivation / gratifying work? with your college degree, if its a bachelors, you could apply for officers training, and serve fine - ten years. otherwise, you can enlist, start out as high as an E4 in some branches, and serve four years. they have hundreds of jobs that aren't all combat or infantry related. they may have jobs in your field.

military lifestyle isn't for everyone. but it's out there for those who want a challenge, a chance to do something that means something, or just other personal reasons. do some research, then see a recruiter to find out more and if you qualify to serve.

not everyone does a job they love for a living. but they find something about their work they like doing. maybe its the people. maybe the location or pay. maybe they help with local communities and organizations. some people get a job to pay the bills, then do stuff outside their working hours to find meaning and have fun. you just have to learn to be responsible to not let one affect the other to enjoy both.
2019-04-29 3:29 pm
If you wanted to "have a good time" at work, then I guess you should have become a water ski instructor. Most jobs are just hard work. They require focus and dedication. Suck it up. This is what life is like in the adult world. Most of us don't love or even like every aspect of our jobs. Get used to it.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2019-04-29 12:22 pm
I almost forgot what is feels like to just have a good time.
I went into computers thinking this was something I would like doing. But thinking you're supposed to be working & having a good time is probably a (huge) stretch.

By the way, most parents are proud of their childrens accomplishments. This is pretty 'run of the mill' stuff.
2019-04-29 9:28 am
No. I think you should quit & become a full time stoner.
2019-04-29 8:49 am
Your parents are probably concerned about paying off your college debts as quickly as possible. As for being overwhelmed, miserable and feeling like you've forgotten what it's like to have a good time-that's normal for a recent college grad.
2019-04-29 9:00 am
Wow, so self centered...there are parents who don't give a sht. You are ungrateful and selfish. Oh my, you forgot how to have a good time? boohoo, somebody call the wuuuuahmbulance!
2019-04-29 8:40 am
yes, but youre lucky you still have your parents around, wish i did

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