Is abortion murder?

2019-04-28 4:35 am

回答 (17)

2019-04-28 5:41 am
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Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”.

The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
2019-04-28 4:43 am
Most people don't believe so. Most reasonable people would look at a 9-month fetus, ready to be born, viable outside the mother's body, and say yes, that's a person, a human being with human rights. But these same people would look at a fertilized egg, a zygote, with no heart or brain, no personality or feelings or perceptions, and say no, that's not a human. The argument, even for Pro Lifers, should be 'When does life begin?' The answer that it begins when the sperm hits the egg is a doctrine of convenience, designed to eliminate argument and discussion rather than to encourage it.

'Abortion is murder' is an idea designed to quash debate, to avoid actual reasonable good-faith negotiation and discussion. If you wanted abortion to be banned, shouting 'abortion is murder' is completely the wrong way to go about it. The whole Pro Life argument had been designed by the GOP who never intended really to end abortion, but rather to preserve it, to keep the struggle going, for their own political purposes.
2019-04-28 4:39 am
2019-04-28 4:36 am
Yes. It is intentionally killing another human.
2019-04-28 4:46 am
It is the intentional killing of a human being; but when it is not illegal, it does not count as murder under State law.
Still, in many states the killing of an unborn child without the mother's consent is legally murder.
But what is consent? With the pressures often placed on a pregnant woman, and the falsehoods told her at the abortionist's office, did she truly consent? I contend that often she did not.
2019-04-28 4:37 am
I think it is, but that's me.
2019-04-28 4:35 am
It is not.
2019-04-28 3:36 pm
Of course it's not. What a silly notion.
2019-04-28 7:35 am
2019-04-28 4:38 am
No, which is why there is no quick word for fetus killing, the way there is for actual babies.

You know what is murder?
Forcing all women to carry babies to term by law, rather than leaving it a medical decision between her and her doctor.
2019-05-03 6:10 am
If it responds to stimuli it is alive, when you shine a bright light on a human cell in the reproductive lab it will contract or di.e.
2019-04-28 10:19 am
This question is getting annoying this question has been asked a lot of times and no abortion is NOT murder
2019-04-28 4:38 am
My girlfriend briefly joined the Hare Krishnas, and now she doesn't want to eat roast beef, so we had roast lamb. I could point out that you can also make milk and cheese from sheep's milk, but you know, people believe stupid stuff.
2019-04-28 4:38 am
Karma is attached to abhore-Shone - Contraception Flids by the hands of those witch did.

But don't tell the bbc that.
2019-04-28 6:18 am
Abortion for convenience ?... yes... ABSOLUTELY..... PREMEDITATED MURDER... and the overwhelming majority of all abortions are strictly for convenience... very very few abortions are done for absolutely medical necessity... and that is the only reason an abortion should be done.....
2019-04-28 5:20 am
What do you call killing innocent humans.
2019-04-28 4:51 am
Yes, it is.

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