How can I help this person deal with her problems? She is my uncles girlfriend and they have kids.?

2019-04-25 9:27 am
So I have an uncle who’s 4 years older then I am . He was more like a older brother to me growing up. Now he has a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son. He’s been with his girlfriend who’s the kids mom for 8 years . They started dating after high school. I’ve gotten close to my uncles girlfriend and she’s a good person with a good job and provides for herself and her kids. She deals with my uncles addiction to drugs and that’s their main problem. She wants him to stop and he is addicted to it because he’s been doing it for a while. But she wants him to stop because they have kids and she doesn’t want a bad influence for her kids . I feel bad that I can’t help her out either way . I try to give her advice but I don’t think I can help. She also lives in a living room space which is bad . I tell her to find a place and do it for herself and her kids. But I also don’t like that they’re always fighting over the same thing. Always about the drugs and they’re old now . They should know the bad and the good. So I don’t know what’s going on with them . I wish I could help them.

回答 (2)

2019-04-25 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Logically, the first order problem is the Drug issue. Your uncle needs to choose between continuing with drugs or the family (wife & kids). He may need help to rehabilitate from drugs. If you uncle is unable to make this commitment, nothing can move forward. He needs to be on a program that wean him off drugs.
2019-04-25 9:35 am
When someone has an addiction there is nothing you can do. They need to decide for themselves. There is really only one rational path and that is to leave them. Love is not rational she will stay with him until she accepts he will not change OR he decides to stop. All you can do is support her allow her to vent to you

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