he was used to ving/he is used to ving 差異?

2019-04-22 9:32 pm

回答 (3)

2019-04-23 9:30 am
be used to 習慣於
He is used to 他習慣於.......(現在的事實)
He was used to 他以前習慣於.......(過去的事實)
2019-04-23 6:07 am
participle in Grammar =verbal adjetive qualifying noun, retaining some properties of a verb.
Hurrying and hurried are the present and past participle of "hurry",
eg:-It's no use hurrying her /trying to make her hurrying to delivery the baby in hospital.
eg:-If we hurrying the delivery work, she may be dead in the hospital.
eg:-More nurses were hurrying to the front line of her bed to rescue her !!!.
eg:-Her husband said:,"Write a few hurrying lines on her report now"
Hence, He is used to ving.
----------He was used to ving------past tense;eg:-He picked up his fountain pen and hurried off,yet hurrying to write a few lines.
2019-04-22 11:34 pm

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