✔ 最佳答案
In some cases, yes. Atheism is not supported by evidence. Atheists themselves admit that they can't prove that God doesn't exist.
Perhaps you have been misinformed on the definition of the word "atheist".
An atheist is a person that does not believe that deities exist. If a person believed in a deity but pretended not, by definition he would not be an atheist.
Troll/POE score 8/10, with extra points for not posting anonymously.
The question is ridiculous.
No, that's one of many slander attempts by religious folks who can't comprehend life without an imaginary friend or the people who don't have one.
No. They simply reject the hypothesis that God exists as untenable given their experience, on the whole.
Like asking is Christianity is a cover for people who hate Zeus
A true atheist wouldn't hate God. Since we believe he does not exist.
why would i hate Odin ???????????????????
Atheism - Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. - Oxford English Dictionary
No, but it will not stupid people from saying so
This question, coming from a person who, in his last few questions, has posted a di*k pic, asked about a problem with his wife and also claimed to be 13 years of age, is pathetic.
No, it's unbelief in any gods. However, ignorant believers like to spread falsehoods.
No. It's a word for people who don't believe in any gods. It's kind of impossible to hate something you don't believe in.
Why do you hate Zeus so much? What did Zeus ever do to you, that you harbor so much animosity for him?
Atheism is for people who love truth. Religion is for people who have been duped by liars.
Is your question a cover for your stupidity?
No one hates bibel-god
1. True Believers™ don't cos they wouldn't have the courage and
2. Atheists don't cos no one hates imaginary beings although most of us agree that the bibel-god character is an ạrsehole and most of us would not piss on him if he was on fire... if he existed 😎
This is a typical Level 1 question... it's asked so often... 😎
No, just the rare humans whose brains cannot be brainwashed by some belief system and even if they hate god, it's can easily be justified, at least a thousand innocent people die everyday and the gods never help them.
Why are terribly BAD and uneducated Christians so ignorant of a simple definition?
ATHEIST - someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one.
They cannot hate something they do not believe exists!!!!!! But people like you now? Even Christians hate people like you that surely do not understand that the problem is not anything to do with atheists, God, Jesus, the bible, or even Christianity and all to do with the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others!
ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!
The self-destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
BAD Christians not only drive people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!
Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!
Five times as many Americans in 2014 said they never prayed compared to those asked the same question in the 1980s
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. -Mat 6:1
Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Christianity is not about hating others but about worshipping the LOVING GOD!!!!!!!
You good people keep asking, so I will keep answering, politely and reasonably.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of Her existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the Goddess known as ATHENA.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as BACCHUS.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as PHUQUIORAS.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as POSEIDON.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as QUETZLCOATL
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as WOTAN.
Because neither you nor I have seen convincing evidence of His existence, both you and I simply LACK a BELIEF in the God known as ZEUS.
And there you have it: A reasonable explanation for a lack of belief in Gods and Goddesses, from A to Z.
Atheism is a LACK of BELIEF in EVERY Goddess and God, not just a lack of belief in YOUR favorite.
How many of the Gods and Goddesses listed above do you HATE?
Do you think it is even REMOTELY POSSIBLE to hate some Thing which, in YOUR opinion, does not even exist???
Now IF IF IF you have convincing ( testable, repeatable, consistent) evidence of the existence of YOUR favorite God, please present it, and end all atheism, forever.
Sad little troll. Go away.