How can I get someone to answer my texts?

2019-04-20 9:18 am
So I starting kindve talking to this person on tinder. Im really attracted to him but he's been ignoring my texts and have been trying really hard to engage in a conversation with him but he hasn't been answering. He's only Should I tell him I'm self conscious about him ignoring me and ask him why? I really want this to work. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

回答 (5)

2019-04-20 11:19 am
What it is called when you insist, demand, manipulate, and require that someone who is not wanting to communicate with you need so so anyway.... that's called a mixture of bullying and stocking. You really want "this" to work but he's not interested so there is no "this" to happen. Leave it alone.
2019-04-20 9:31 am
You cant and if he is not it means he is not interested in you at alk.
2019-04-20 9:31 am
I think the best thing to do is to give him hints that you like him and would like to meet up with him in person. By doing that you will be able to better convey your attraction to him because it is extremely hard to do that over text. Remember, at present this guy probably doesn't have any idea how you feel about him. Moreover, guys rely on getting hints to guide them and to let them know that you want them to make a move. Hence, I would do things like compliment this guy and tell him how much you enjoy his company as well as talking about fun places you would like to go with him. Hopefully then this guy will take the hint that you want to go out with him. I really hope this helps :)
參考: Do you know if this guy is the shy type or is inexperienced when it comes to women and dating? :)
2019-04-20 9:28 am
You can't. He'll answer or initiate conversation if he's interested. My guess is, he's not interested and doesn't want to pretend.
2019-04-20 9:19 am
He has no interest in you, Skippy. Move on. Stalkers are creepy and subject to arrest.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:40
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