A sample of a gas (1.50 mol) is contained in a 15.0 L cylinder. The temperature is increased from 100 0C to 150 0C.?

2019-04-18 2:16 am
A sample of a gas (1.50 mol) is contained in a 15.0 L cylinder. The temperature is increased from 100 0C to 150 0C. What is the ratio of final pressure to initial pressure (P2/P1)?

回答 (1)

2019-04-18 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Supposing constant volume:
(150.0 + 273.15) K / (100.0 + 273.15) K = 1.134

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:32:47
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