What are the reasons why you backslid?

2019-04-17 8:45 pm
Jesus is calling you to come back to Him. If you feel ashamed or that people look down on you don't worry about that. Your focus needs to be on Jesus not people read Luke 15:11-32 it talks about the Prodigal Son. God has a plan and a purpose for your life for the good. The enemy comes to steal,kill and destroy. Don't let the enemy have the victory over your life. At one time I was the prodigal son. I have no reason to go back to the mess that Jesus found me in. I pray that you come back home to Him.

回答 (11)

2019-04-17 8:46 pm
I'm working on it though..
2019-04-17 8:57 pm
For some reason zombies don't talk to me.
I've never heard your Jebus dood 😎
2019-04-17 9:04 pm
"Jesus is calling you to come back to Him."
No, Gandalf is calling, but Jesus?

"If you feel ashamed or that people look down on you"
I don't.

"Your focus needs to be on Jesus"
Batman is much more important.

"Luke 15:11-32"
Deuteronomy 13:12-16

"God has a plan and a purpose for your life"
That is a lie.
God does not even exist.
The stories about gods are not true. Not the ones about the ancient greek gods nor any of the thousands of other stories about the thousands of other gods.
The only problem here is your own inability to separate fantasy and reality. You are the problem.
2019-04-17 9:00 pm
Nice, but not really a question. More of a teaser to make a point.
2019-04-17 9:32 pm
i dont ,and i also dont need or want Deities either, i much prefer reality
參考: Ever fought in a religious war?
2019-04-17 9:25 pm
I didn't backslide. I walked away when it was clear Christianity wasn't for me.

I asked questions, and being told "just believe" was not a compelling answer. I am still waiting for those answers 40 years later.
2019-04-17 9:12 pm
Because common sense will not let me return. Common Sense 3/16 - for common sense so loved the world that it gave its only begotten sun and Moon
2019-04-17 9:00 pm
I like Psalm 40:2
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
Everybody makes mistakes but the Lord is right there ready to forgive.
Put your trust in Him and you can't go wrong.
2019-04-17 8:53 pm
Getting to involved in this mundane existence and taking your eyes off the mark (Phil 3:14), which is Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Word, the Light and God incarnate as John 1:1-14, 14-9 and His name Emmanuel reveals.
2019-04-17 10:22 pm
Bite me.
2019-04-17 9:13 pm
Memorial of Jesus’ Death
You Are Welcome to Attend!
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On the night before he died, Jesus told his followers to commemorate his death. He said:
“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”—Luke 22:19.

Please join us for the annual observance of the death of Jesus Christ. This year it will be held on Friday, April 19.

To find a location near you please visit jw.org

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